Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) is "defined by the International Olympic Committee as a syndrome of health and performance impairments resulting from an energy deficit" (Ackerman 2018). RED-S is…
Rowers and coaches LOVE their Lats. For a good reason. They are the biggest link from shoulders to hips. They help translate the force around your spine from the blade…
Do you expect sharp back pain as you lift and lower your shell? Or you just row through back pain the whole row? Maybe you are good for the start and then the pain sets in as you get tired. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who doesn't deal with rowing-related low back pain. The goal of this post is to help more of us be among those lucky ones who don't have back pain at any point during a practice!
When I gear up for winter training every year I feel like I am transported back to the old boathouse in Ithaca. We had an amazing brick/cinder block wall, cement…
Struggling with hip pain while rowing or in the weight room? Hip pain is not overly common to cause a loss of time on the water, but it can still be a pain in the butt! Here's some reasons rowers get hip pain.
Why are squat mechanics important for rowing? This seems fairly straight forward, rowing is essentially a horizontal squat. We bend our hips, knees, and ankles while attempting to maintain our…
Is Rowing Good for my Bones? The short answer is YES! But rib and spine boney injuries are something rowers deal with, so how do you maintain bone health to…
What is the effect of rowing stress on your shoulder mobility? The shoulder muscles we are going to talk about are your serratus anterior, pectorals, and rotator cuff. All of…