Guest Lecture
I enjoy speaking with Physical Therapy programs to share the story of how I got my unique and amazing legs. I was hit by a car in 2018 and enjoy sharing my recovery story. It is a nice addition to a DPT program curriculum as a guest lecture within a course or a PT club activity. I share information from day zero, through surgeries, inpatient rehabilitation and both the early and continued stages of outpatient rehabilitation. I try to present my story as detail oriented as possible while keeping the bigger picture in mind to highlight what a patient might have been through or might go through for wherever you meet them in their rehab timeline. The unique abilities to link my personal experience with physical therapy knowledge has been well received. My main goal is to help decrease anxiety and empower clinicians to feel confident and comfortable treating complicated cases. I am open to discussion of rates per your program and typically offer my lecture with an open floor for questions from anyone listening via zoom.